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michael castleman造句

  • By Michael Castleman . 1, 300 words
  • Michael Castleman is a contributing editor of " Country Living's Healthy Living ."
  • By MICHAEL CASTLEMAN c . 2000 Hearst Communications Inc . World rights ( Distributed by New York Times Special Features
  • In September 2016, CEO Scott Freidheim resigned, and chief financial officer Michael Castleman was promoted to president and interim CEO.
  • In this excerpt from his book " Nature's Cures, " health writer Michael Castleman explains how you can benefit from the healing power of dreams by learning to remember them and tap into lucid dreams.
  • "Education is not just academics _ it's socialization, real America with all its glory and depravity, " says Michael Castleman, a public-school advocate and an author who specializes in health.
  • Consider Michael Castleman, a slim eighth-grader, as he sits in an upstairs bedroom in his family's two-story ranch home in Sharon, Mass ., his fingers playing the keyboard of a Packard-Bell like a piano.
  • Members included sex educator, activist and author Betty Dodson; journalist and author Michael Castleman, who penned the Playboy Magazine Advisor from 1991 to 1995; and clinical psychologist Louanne Cole, who now serves as resident expert for WebMD's " Sex Matters ."
  • As Michael Castleman, author of " Nature's Cures " ( Rodale Press, 1996, $ 27.95 ) puts it, these techniques " don't replace what's taught in medical schools, but rather complete it ."
  • Some studies abroad and one small study at the Medical College of Virginia suggest that kava, derived from the kavakava tree, does have anti-anxiety properties, said Michael Castleman, a San Francisco writer on alternative medicine, whose books include " The New Healing Herbs " ( Rodale, 2001 ).
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